National Dialogues on Immigration

Tag Archives: deportation

The Perfect Fathers’ Day Gift
Daniel Neyoy Ruiz and his family from “Celebrate Our Victory/ Vengan para Celebrar este Exito!

“While the politics of a system play out, the mothers and fathers and children still deserve to feel like they belong” — Cristina Henriquez What does President Obama want for Fathers’ Day? “A “loyal, rational opposition,” one that he can negotiate with on immigration legislation. Following the defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor by Dave Brat in the Virginia Republican primary elections, Obama still believes that bipartisan immigration reform is possible. Cantor had once backed a limited path of …

Mothers: A Tribute to Family
Illinois Women for Compassionate Immigration Reform-

by Jennifer Scott “Home is whenever I’m with you” from “Home,” a song from Jorge Narvaez to his mother In tribute to Mother’s Day, this piece is dedicated to all of the mothers who are affected by immigration policies. The recent spike in deportations – two million since 2009 – has greatly impacted families, often separating parents from children and siblings from one another, breaking up marriages and extended families. No one has felt this pain more than the mothers. …

Weekly Roundup, Feb. 28th
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Here are your weekly roundup of stories about immigration!

National Immigration Reform: Are We at A Standstill?

Immigration reform impediments, halting deportations, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s proposal for municipal ID cards and more.