National Dialogues on Immigration

Weekly Roundup, March 21st

March 24, 2014  |  Featured News,News
A 1905 bird's eye view of Boston's harbor, the second busiest port of entry for new immigrants at the time. 

In the news this week: learn about La Posada Providencia shelter, near the border in San Benito, Texas, that has in the past year received asylum seekers from about 20 countries, including Saraa Zewedi Yilma.  Hear the story of her journey from Ethiopia to Sudan to Brazil, through Venezuela, Colombia, and eventually, to the US border here via NPR’s Morning Edition.

In other headlines:

Maps Reveal How Immigration Transformed Boston’s Neighborhoods  via Wired

Paying Price, 16 Years Later, for an Illegal Entry via New York Times

New York’s Dream Act is dead via The Washington Post

Dream Act Revived In Assembly Budget Negotiations via the Wall Street Journal

In 2013, 59% of deported immigrants convicted of a crime via Pew Research Center

Big Business Group Bankrolls Immigration Reform Foes After Promising To Hold Them Accountable via Think Progress

Children Deported: The Real Victims of America’s Broken Immigration System via Latin Post

Youth immigration activists cross the border to protest deportations via San Francisco Bay Guardian

and finally…If you missed coverage of the New York Dream Act vote and protests from this past week, Democracy Now summarizes the events in this clip:

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