National Dialogues on Immigration

Weekly Roundup, March 28th

March 31, 2014  |  Featured News,News
César Chávez at a United Farmworkers rally, 1974.

In the StoryCorps series aired weekly on NPR, see this short video clip, “By the time I was in the second grade, everyone was calling me Raymond,” where Ramon “Chunky” Sanchez recounts how teachers changed the names of Mexican-American students during the 1950s.  Here’s the audio link

NPR is also running a special series, Borderland- dispatches from the US-Mexico boundary. This week’s story is, Crossing The Desert: Why Brenda Wanted Border Patrol To Find Her, about a woman who becomes separated from her group and lost in the desert as she crosses the border. You can hear her compelling story here.

Immigration in the news this week:

The Changing Face of Citizenship via The Boston Globe

Harsh immigration realities set in for many ‘dreamers’ via Los Angeles Times

Dems trying to force immigration vote via The Hill

This is what it looks like when immigration reform dies via MSNBC

Immigration protester back at Chicago church that sheltered her via Chicago Tribune

Can Corporate Leaders Push Through Immigration Reform In 2014? via Forbes

Cesar Chavez’s Legacy: Iconic Civil Rights Leader’s Controversial Take On Illegal Immigration Rarely Explored via Fox News Latino

and, this week 170 House Democrats signed a discharge petition on immigration reform to force the immigration vote. Here’s a quick recap:

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